

Logisticians analyze and coordinate an organization’s supply chain—the system that moves a product from supplier to consumer. They manage the entire life cycle of a product, which includes how a product is acquired, distributed, allocated, and delivered.

Logisticians typically do the following:
  • Direct the allocation of materials, supplies, and finished products
  • Develop business relationships with suppliers and customers
  • Work to understand customers’ needs and how to meet them
  • Design strategies to minimize the cost or time required to move goods
  • Review the success of logistical functions and identify areas for improvement
  • Propose improvements to management and customers

Logisticians oversee activities that include purchasing, transportation, inventory, and warehousing. They may direct the movement of a range of goods, people, or supplies, from common consumer goods to military supplies and personnel.

Logisticians use sophisticated software systems to plan and track the movement of goods. They operate software programs tailored specifically to manage logistical functions, such as procurement, inventory management, and other supply chain planning and management systems.
Logisticians typically have an interest in the Persuader and Organiser interest areas, according to the Holland Code framework. The Persuader interest area indicates a focus on influencing, motivating, and selling to other people. The Organiser interest area indicates a focus on working with information and processes to keep things arranged in orderly systems. 

If you are not sure whether you have a Persuader or Organiser interest which might fit with a career as a logistician, you can take a career test to measure your interests.

Logisticians should also possess the following specific qualities:

Communication skills. Logisticians need strong communication skills in order to collaborate with colleagues and do business with suppliers and customers.

Critical-thinking skills. Logisticians must develop, adjust, and successfully carry out logistical plans, and they often must find ways to cut costs and improve efficiency.

Organizational skills. Logisticians must be able to perform several tasks at one time, keep detailed records, and simultaneously manage several projects in a fast-paced environment.

Problem-solving skills. Logisticians must handle unforeseen issues, such as delivery problems, and adjust plans as needed to resolve the issues.


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