
Diploma in Architecture

Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL)
Kajang, Selangor
Studying architecture is both challenging and fun. Architects enjoy the satisfaction of watching their drawings transform into magnificent masterpieces.

This course will equip you with the technical and practical skills to become a creative designer and good problem solver. Students will learn to work well both individually and in a team to complete a project.

Is this programme for me?
Those with artistic skills, are technically inclined and have a flair for problem solving would be most suited for this programme. In addition, if you work well independently as well as in a team, it would be an added advantage as one of the programme's effective learning concepts is peer learning which demands a lot of interaction.

Bear in mind, Architecture is a challenging programme. Be prepared to spend most of your time in the design studios and working on your masterpieces.

What will I learn?
Architecture is the profession of designing buildings, open areas and other man-made structures and environments, usually with artistic effects.

An architecture student will produce drawings, construct building models, specify construction materials and colour combinations for a given project.

Students will be exposed to assignments and projects through site visits, study tours, exhibitions and competitions. At IUKL, the focus is more on hands-on experience, technical and practical skills.

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Mar, Jun, Jul, Sept, Oct

总学费 (预计)

RM 43,500


2.5 years
SPM - Minimum 3 Cs (including Mathematics) and a Pass in English and Drawing subject

O-Level - Minimum 3 Cs (including Mathematics) and a Pass in English and Drawing subject

UEC - Minimum 3 Bs (including Mathematics)

Certificate (Polytechnic) - Minimum CGPA of 2.50 with 2Cs (including Mathematics) and a pass in SPM English

Certificate (KKM) - Minimum CGPA of 2.75 with 2Cs (including Mathematics) and a pass in SPM English

Certificate/SKM III - Minimum CGPA of 2.00 with a C in SPM, pass in Mathematics and Drawing test by IUKL

SAM/HSC/AUSMAT TER/UAI: - Average of 50% or higher in 5 subjects (including Drawing and English)

CPU/CIMP - Average of 50% or higher in 6 subjects (including Drawing and English)
Other Qualifications As recognised by the Senate of IUKL as equivalent to SPM

Additional Qualifications - Drawing Test / Portfolio needed if without Pass in Art subject in SPM or without Drawing subject in SPM

  • IELTS - 4
  • TOEFL (PBT) - 397
  • TOEFL (IBT) - 30
  • PTE - 36
  • MUET BAND - 2
  • Cambridge English - 140
  • Tuition Fees - RM 41,360.00
  • Deposit (Refundable) - RM 250.00
  • Insurance - RM 70.00/year

Other Fees - 
  • Library - RM 160.00
  • Student Club - RM 80.00
  • Library - RM 80.00
  • Student Club - RM 40.00

Total Fees (Approximate) - RM 43,500.00

  • Tuition Fees - RM 40,420.00
  • Caution Fee (Refundable) - RM 1,500.00
  • International Student Administrative Fee - RM 4,800.00
  • Medical Insurance - RM 600.00/year
  • Visa Processing  - RM 360.00/year
  • Medical Examination - RM 250.00/year

Other Fees - 
  • Library - RM 160.00
  • Student Club - RM 80.00
  • Library - RM 80.00
  • Student Club - RM 40.00

Total Fees (Approximate) - RM 50,900.00
Year 1
  • Basic Design, 
  • Building Construction I, 
  • Building Services, 
  • Co-curriculum I, 
  • Environmental Design, 
  • Graphic Communication, 
  • Introduction to Built Environment, 
  • Introduction to Theory and History of Architecture, 
  • Pengajian Islam / Moral (Islamic Studies / Moral Studies), 
  • Pengajian Malaysia (Malaysian Studies), Sport (Football / Netball / Badminton / Futsal), 
  • Technical Drawing I, 
  • Technical Drawing II, 
  • Technical English I, 
  • Technical English II

Year 2
  • Architectural Design I, 
  • Architectural Design II, 
  • Architectural Design III, 
  • Building Construction II, 
  • Building Construction III, 
  • CAD I, 
  • Construction Drawing, 
  • Structure Design

Year 3
  • Architectural Design IV, 
  • Asian Architecture, 
  • Bahasa Kebangsaan A / B (National Language A / B), 
  • CAD II, 
  • History of Southeast, 
  • Measured Drawing
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