Course Details

Foundation in Engineering

UOW Malaysia KDU University College
Shah Alam, Selangor
Engineering plays a pivotal role in our lives and it’s no surprise engineers are in great demand all over the world!

The UOW Malaysia KDU Foundation in Engineering is ideal for those looking to gain admission into engineering degree programmes, providing students with opportunities to develop fundamental knowledge and skills set in physical sciences, technical knowledge in engineering and language skills for tertiary education. Students are introduced to engineering-based subjects such as mechanics, electronics, and material science, enabling them to decide their specialised field of engineering to pursue upon completion.

Upon completion, students will be able to articulate seamlessly into engineering degree programmes offered at UOW Malaysia KDU. 

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Course Summary


Jan, May, Sept

Course Fees (estimated)

RM 21,430

Course Duration

1 year

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SPM / GCE O Levels
Min. 5 Credits (5Cs) inclusive of a Credit in English, Mathematics and 1 Science subject

Min. 3 Credits (3Bs) inclusive of a Credit in English, Mathematics and 1 Science subject

Any other qualifications deemed equivalent by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia (or as stated in the Document Senarai Nilai Taraf Kelayakan Akademik, Malaysian Qualifications Agency) :
Pass (Subject to review and approval of certified transcripts)

English Requirement
Local Student
Credit (SPM / 1119 / UEC / O-Levels English)

International Student
Band 5.0 in IELTS; or a min score of 35 (IBT) or 415 (PBT) in TOEFL

*If English language requirements are not fulfilled, additional English module(s) may be taken at UOW Malaysia KDU. 
Year 1 Semester 1
Tuition Fee: RM 6,300
Registration Fee: RM 600
Resource Fee: RM 650
Caution Fee: RM 500
Lab Fee: RM 320
Total: RM 8,370

Year 1 Semester 2
Tuition Fee: RM 5,560
Resource Fee: RM 650
Lab Fee: RM 320
Total: RM 6,530

Year 1 Semester 3

Tuition Fee: RM 5,560
Resource Fee: RM 650
Lab Fee: RM 320
Total: RM 6,530

Grand Total: RM 21,430
  • Chemistry
  • Engineering Mathematics 1, 2 & 3
  • Fundamentals of Mechanics
  • Fundamentals of Physics
  • Fundamentals of Information Technology
  • Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics
  • Introduction to Communication
  • Critical Writing and Referencing
  • Introduction to Robotics
  • Technical Drafting & CAD
Disclaimer: Course Information details may change from time to time. Please check with respective institutions to get updated information.
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