Course Details

Foundation in Commerce

BERJAYA University College
Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur
Counsellor Available!
The Foundation in Commerce is for individuals who would like to have a strong foundation in business studies, prior to pursuing higher level qualifications in a University or College. The programme is also suitable for students who only wish to acquire the essential vocational skills and competencies to qualify them for entry-level positions in a wide range of business organisations.

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Course Summary


Jan, May, Sep

Course Fees (estimated)

RM 16,150

Course Duration

1 year

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  • SPM / O-Levels with minimum five (5) Credits.
  • UEC with a minimum of 3Bs.
  • Any other qualifications deemed equivalent by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia.
Students intending to pursue Bachelor in Accounting (Hons) and Bachelor in Accounting and Finance (Hons) are required to obtain credit in Mathematics and pass in English.
Tuition Fee: RM 12,000
Internship Fee: -
Lab/ Ingredients: -
Resource Fee: RM 3,600
Professional Attire Fee: RM 550

Total Fee: RM 16,150
  • Business Mathematics
  • Develop Critical Thinkers
  • English for Foundation Studies 1, 2 & 3
  • Essentials of Accounting
  • Essentials of Service Operations
  • Fundamentals of Marketing
  • Introduction to Commercial Studies
  • Introduction to Finance
  • Introduction to Mathematics and Statistics
  • Learning Computer Applications
  • Managing People and Organisations
  • Principle of Economics
  • University Life & Study Skills
Disclaimer: Course Information details may change from time to time. Please check with respective institutions to get updated information.
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