Career Details

Public Relations Specialist

Public relations specialists create and maintain a favorable public image for the organization they represent. They design media releases to shape public perception of their organization and to increase awareness of its work and goals.

Public relations specialists typically do the following:
  • Write press releases and prepare information for the media
  • Respond to information requests from the media
  • Help clients communicate effectively with the public
  • Help maintain their organization's corporate image and identity
  • Draft speeches and arrange interviews for an organization’s top executives
  • Evaluate advertising and promotion programs to determine whether they are compatible with their organization’s public relations efforts

Public relations specialists, also called communications specialists and media specialists, handle an organization’s communication with the public, including consumers, investors, reporters, and other media specialists. In government, public relations specialists may be called press secretaries. In this setting, workers keep the public informed about the activities of government officials and agencies.

Public relations specialists draft press releases and contact people in the media who might print or broadcast their material. Many radio or television special reports, newspaper stories, and magazine articles start at the desks of public relations specialists. For example, a press release might describe a public issue, such as health, energy, or the environment, and what an organization does with regard to that issue.

In addition to publication through traditional media outlets, press releases are increasingly being sent through the Internet and social media.

Public relations specialists are different from advertisers in that they get their stories covered by media instead of purchasing ad space in publications and on television.
Personality & Interest

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Public relations specialists typically have an interest in the Creator, Helper and Persuader interest areas, according to the Holland Code framework. The Creator interest area indicates a focus on being original and imaginative, and working with artistic media. The Helper interest area indicates a focus on assisting, serving, counselling, or teaching other people. The Persuader interest area indicates a focus on influencing, motivating, and selling to other people.

If you are not sure whether you have a Creator or Helper or Persuader interest which might fit with a career as a public relations specialist, you can take a career test to measure your interests.

Public relations specialists should also possess the following specific qualities:

Interpersonal skills. Public relations specialists deal with the public and the media regularly; therefore, they must be open and friendly to maintain a favourable image for their organization.

Organizational skills. Public relations specialists are often in charge of managing several events at the same time, requiring superior organisational skills.

Problem-solving skills. Public relations specialists sometimes must explain how a company or client is handling sensitive issues. They must use good judgement in what they report and how they report it.

Speaking skills. Public relations specialists regularly speak on behalf of their organization. When doing so, they must be able to clearly explain the organization’s position.

Writing skills. Public relations specialists must be able to write well-organized and clear press releases and speeches. They must be able to grasp the key messages they want to get across and write them in a short, succinct way to get the attention of busy readers or listeners.
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