Course Details

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in English for Professional Communication

Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL)
Kajang, Selangor
The way a person communicates is different depending on who they are communicating with. A person would not talk the same way they do in a casual setting when they are in a formal setting.

This course prepares and teaches students to be able to communicate effectively and become better English users.

Is this programme for me?
If you are interested in writing, reading, listening and speaking in English and want to work professionally, this course will help you sharpen your skills.

What will I learn?
The Bachelor in English for Professional Communication programme will prepare you to be successful professional English user.

You will learn office tasks such as how to use office applications and corporate writing simultaneously. Furthermore, students will be equipped with not only writing skills, but oral skills as well.

What should I expect?
This course has been designed to not only improve students’ academic skills but also their soft skills which employers are currently looking for.

Students’ professional development will be enhanced and they will be given workplace-related tasks which will prepare them for their professional careers in the future.

Read more about Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL)

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Course Summary


Mar, Jun, Jul, Sept, Oct

Course Fees (estimated)

RM 47,900

Course Duration

3 years

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STPM - Minimum 2 Principal Passes and a credit in SPM English

A-Level - Minimum 2 Principal Passes and a credit in O-Level English

UEC - Minimum 5Bs (including English)

Diploma/HND - Minimum CGPA of 2.00

Foundation / Matriculation - Minimum CGPA of 2.00

SAM/HSC/AUSMAT TER/UAI - average 60% or higher in 5 subjects

CPU/CIMP - Average of 60% or higher in 6 subjects

IB - 26 points or higher based on 6 subjects

Other Qualifications As recognised by the Senate of IUKL as equivalent to STPM
* The credit requirement of English at SPM level can be waived should the grade obtained at STPM/STAM level or its equivalent is higher

  • IELTS - 6
  • TOEFL (PBT) - 537
  • TOEFL (IBT) - 46
  • PTE - 59
  • MUET BAND - 4
  • Cambridge English - 169
  • Tuition Fees - RM 45,600.00
  • Deposit (Refundable) - RM 250.00
  • Insurance - RM 70.00/year

Other Fees - 
  • Library - RM 160.00
  • Student Club - RM 80.00
  • Library - RM 80.00
  • Student Club - RM 40.00

Total Fees (Approximate) - RM 47,900.00

  • Tuition Fees - RM 46,800.00
  • Caution Fee (Refundable) - RM 1,500.00
  • International Student Administrative Fee - RM 4,800.00
  • Medical Insurance - RM 600.00/year
  • Visa Processing  - RM 360.00/year
  • Medical Examination - RM 250.00/year

Other Fees - 
  • Library - RM 160.00
  • Student Club - RM 80.00
  • Library - RM 80.00
  • Student Club - RM 40.00

Total Fees (Approximate) - RM 57,400.00
Year 1
  • Academic Writing, 
  • Creative Writing, 
  • Effective Reading Skills, 
  • Fundamentals of Communication, 
  • Fundamentals of English Grammar, 
  • Hubungan Etnik / Pengajian Malaysia 3, 
  • Human Communication, 
  • Introduction to Linguistics, 
  • Introduction to Psycholinguistics, 
  • Language and Computers, 
  • Office Application Technology, 
  • Business Law, 
  • Phonetics and Phonology, 
  • Tamadun Islam & Tamadun Asia / Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 3, 
  • Theories of Communication

Year 2
  • A Survey of Prose Forms and Poetry in English, 
  • Basic Marketing, 
  • Business Writing Skills, 
  • Corporate Writing, 
  • Foreign Language I, 
  • Foreign Language II, 
  • Introduction to Corporate Multimedia, 
  • Meeting Skills, 
  • Professional Development, 
  • Report Writing, 
  • Research Methods, 
  • Sociology of Language, 
  • Organizational Management, 
  • MPU Subjects (U2, U3, U4)

Year 3
  • Managerial Communication, 
  • Business Ethics, 
  • Business Law, 
  • Critical Thinking, 
  • Discourse Analysis, 
  • Industrial Training, 
  • Project Paper, 
  • Public Speaking, 
  • Syntax and Morphology
Disclaimer: Course Information details may change from time to time. Please check with respective institutions to get updated information.
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